Welcome to Great Edge

Great Edge Electrical Great Edge Sharpening

Great Edge is comprised of two main service divisions: Electrical Repair and Knife Sharpening. Since our electrical customers are usually in more of a rush (‘help, no lights’) we will start there: When it comes to our appliance and ‘out of hours’ electrical service we pride ourselves on getting things working for you again, which if that means your heating or lights come back on at night, that’s a good thing. Please see our Electrical page for details of how we can help get your lights back on if you need help out of hours, or click here to give us a call right away.

For those of you that are here about sharpening - Great Edge offers a premium knife sharpening service in Horsham, West Sussex with the highest quality workmanship and convenience. We’ll sharpen your knives with a combination of skill, know-how and the latest technology to give you a Great Edge in return. Some people that have tried out our service have told us that their knives come back ‘better than new’ in terms of sharpness. A lot of the best chefs in West Sussex trust Great Edge with their knives and we hope you do to.

New for 2024 we also offer a ski sharpening service. See our sharpening page for further details.

Drop us an email with any questions you may have, or to book in a sharpening.

Give your knives a GREAT EDGE


We have been passionate about knife sharpening for more than 10 years. Borne from a combination of a love for cooking and a desire to always be working with the best tools, Great Edge uses the latest technology to deliver a beautifully sharp edge to kitchen knives (and more!). Contact us to get that ‘like new’ or ‘better than new’ feeling for your favourite knives.

Book Now

Our sharpening workshop is now open, serving the Horsham area of West Sussex. For any questions please send us an email, and meanwhile browse our Services and ‘Why Get My Knife Sharpened’ pages, or see updates from our latest jobs on our Instagram page